Example: “Simple Test”


Test data are stored in /internal/data2/quip_data directory on wsslinux2. QUIP does not overwrite existing output files, so it is best if you copy the test data files to your own directory for testing. Otherwise, other people might run into permission issues or QUIP errors when they attempt to overwrite your output files from previous test runs.

This example uses data in the “simple_test” directory. It demostrates typical analysis situations that do not involve mosaic.

Copy test data to your own directory:

$ cp -R /internal/data2/quip_data/simple_test /my/local/dir

Change directory to where your own test data are:

$ cd /my/local/dir/simple_test/inputs

Fix the paths in XML file:

$ sed 's/\/internal\/data2\/quip_data/\/my\/local\/dir/g' /internal/data2/quip_data/simple_test/inputs/operation_file_001.xml > operation_file_001.xml

Start QUIP (select optional arguments given in square brackets):

$ quip operation_file_001.xml [-g +300+150] [--nocopy] [--loglevel=10]

You can now use QUIP global and local plugins to analyze and modify the images (also see Ginga Configuration Files). To save your changes and produce output files for WEx:

  1. Click on SaveQUIP global plugin tab.

  2. Choose at least 1 image to keep/save.

  3. Click the “Save” button. If there are no error messages, output files will be written.

  4. Exit QUIP by selecting “File” (top left) and then “Quit”.

To see all available output files listing:

$ ls /my/local/dir/simple_test/outputs

A log file from Ginga (“ginga.log”) is written out to output directory given by the XML. It is overwritten if already exists because it is only useful for debugging Ginga. To see Ginga log file:

$ emacs /my/local/dir/simple_test/outputs/ginga.log