
Anaconda is the recommended Python distribution for wss_tools. If you do not have it already, download Miniconda and install it (Python 3.7+ only). The instructions below assume you do not want wss_tools in your default Anaconda environment (base), but if you do want it, you can skip the part where you create a new conda environment.

In a Bash shell, create a new conda environment for wss_tools using Python 3 and then switch to that environment (skip this if you want to use default base environment, but using base is not recommended):

conda create -n wssenv python=3.8
conda activate wssenv

In that same environment, install the following dependencies from the conda-forge channel:

conda install astropy -c conda-forge
conda install scipy -c conda-forge
conda install pyqt -c conda-forge
conda install matplotlib -c conda-forge
conda install pillow -c conda-forge
conda install ginga -c conda-forge
conda install stginga -c conda-forge


AboutQUIP and MosaicAuto are broken for Ginga 2.6.3, see . If you encounter this issue, use conda update ginga to update Ginga.

Now, you can install wss_tools using pip (there was a concious decision not to include it in Anaconda nor PyPI):

pip install git+

If you wish to use wss_tools that is released instead of the development version, replace @master with @<version>, where <version> is the desired release version.

Dependencies installed using conda install above can be updated from time to time using conda update <packagename> command as needed. As for those installed using pip, use pip install <packagename> -U to upgrade to a new version.

When you are done with wss_tools, you can switch back to base Anaconda environment by deactivating the wssenv environment (skip this if you are using the default base environment):

conda deactivate