Source code for wss_tools.utils.recenter

''' Module to recenter images '''

import os
from import fits
from astropy.nddata import block_reduce
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

__all__ = ['recenter']

[docs]def recenter(images, outputdir, doplot=False): """Recenter images based on NIRCam XY (464,1412) if offset > 10px Parameters ---------- images : list List of input images to analyze. outputdir : str Working directory where QUIP will write the files to. doplot : bool Show plots to the user via a popup. Returns ------- output_images : list Output images that have been read and/or modified. """ output_images = [] for im_fn in images: # Open fits with as hdul: data = hdul[1].data # Rebin image with very big pixels to find the approximate location size = 32 rebindata = block_reduce(data, block_size=64, func=np.median) # Remove background rebindata -= np.median(rebindata) margin_left = 1.5 margin_right = 2.5 margin_top = 2.5 margin_bttm = 1.5 imsize = 2048 # Find the center of mass and cut a box around: we should see the # whole PSF with about 1-2 PSF wide margins com = ndimage.center_of_mass(rebindata) subdata = data[int((com[0] - margin_left) * imsize / size): int((com[0] + margin_right) * imsize / size), int((com[1] - margin_bttm) * imsize / size): int((com[1] + margin_top) * imsize / size)] # Rebin again rebinsubdata = block_reduce(subdata, block_size=8, func=np.median) # Remove background rebinsubdata -= np.median(rebinsubdata) # Find the center of mass and cut a box around: # should see the inside of the PSF com1 = ndimage.center_of_mass(rebinsubdata) margin_left2 = 0.5 margin_right2 = 1.5 margin_bttm2 = 0.5 margin_top2 = 1.5 subdata2 = subdata[int((com1[0]-margin_left2)*imsize/size*4/size): int((com1[0]+margin_right2)*imsize/size*4/size), int((com1[1]-margin_bttm2)*imsize/size*4/size): int((com1[1]+margin_top2)*imsize/size*4/size)] # Find the center of mass com2 = ndimage.center_of_mass(subdata2) xcntr = 464 ycntr = 1412 # Recenter the image to 464, 1412 instead to match the WAS # expectations xcpsf = (com2[0]+int((com1[0]-margin_left2)*imsize/size*4/size) + int((com[0]-margin_left)*imsize/size)) ycpsf = (com2[1]+int((com1[1]-margin_bttm2)*imsize/size*4/size) + int((com[1]-margin_bttm)*imsize/size)) offsetdata = np.roll(data, (xcntr - int(ycpsf), ycntr - int(xcpsf)), axis=(1, 0)) # Save back image into file if abs(xcntr - ycpsf) > 10 or abs(ycntr - xcpsf) > 10: # Do the same for the ERR and the DQ hdul[2].data = np.roll(hdul[2].data, (xcntr-int(ycpsf), ycntr-int(xcpsf)), axis=(1, 0)) hdul[3].data = np.roll(hdul[3].data, (xcntr-int(ycpsf), ycntr-int(xcpsf)), axis=(1, 0)) hdul[1].data = offsetdata filename = os.path.basename(im_fn).replace('.fits', '_recenter.fits') hdul.writeto(os.path.join(outputdir, filename), overwrite=True) output_images.append(os.path.join(outputdir, filename)) else: output_images.append(im_fn) # Plot fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4), (ax5, ax6)) = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(12, 9)) fig.tight_layout(pad=.3) ax1.imshow(data, origin='lower') ax2.imshow(rebindata, origin='lower') ax3.imshow(subdata, origin='lower') ax4.imshow(rebinsubdata, origin='lower') ax5.imshow(subdata2, origin='lower') ax5.plot([com2[1], com2[1]], [0, imsize/size*4/size*2-1], 'r') ax5.plot([0, imsize/size*4/size*2-1], [com2[0], com2[0]], 'r') ax6.imshow(offsetdata, origin='lower') ax6.plot([xcntr, xcntr], [0, imsize-1], 'r') ax6.plot([0, imsize-1], [ycntr, ycntr], 'r') if doplot: else: plt.savefig(os.path.join(outputdir, 'plot.png')) return output_images