Source code for wss_tools.quip.qio

"""Module to handle I/O for files specific to QUIP."""

import os
import warnings
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from import get_pkg_data_filename
from astropy.utils.xml.validate import validate_schema

from import _etree_to_dict, _get_timestamp

__all__ = ['input_xml', 'validate_input_xml', 'QUIPOpFile',
           'validate_output_out_xml', 'validate_output_log_xml',
           'quip_out_dict', 'QUIPLog', 'QUIPLogEntry']

def _validate_xml(filename, schema=''):
    """Validate XML against given schema using
    Schema must exist in package data.

    schemafile = get_pkg_data_filename(os.path.join('data', schema))
    return validate_schema(filename, schemafile)

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[docs]def input_xml(filename): """Ingest input XML from WEx. Parameters ---------- filename : str XML filename. Returns ------- out_dict : dict XML structure converted to Python dictionary. """ out_dict = _etree_to_dict( ET.parse(filename).getroot())['QUIP_OPERATION_FILE'] images = out_dict['IMAGES']['IMAGE_PATH'] if not isinstance(images, list): out_dict['IMAGES']['IMAGE_PATH'] = [images] return out_dict
[docs]def validate_input_xml(filename): """Validate schema for QUIP Operation File (``quip_operation_file.xsd``). """ return _validate_xml(filename, schema='quip_operation_file.xsd')
[docs]class QUIPOpFile: """Class to handle generation of QUIP Operation File. Parameters ---------- op_type : {'MIMF', 'SEGMENT_ID', 'THUMBNAIL'} Operation type. outdir : str Output directory for the QUIP operation. This is used only for the population of the ``OUTPUT`` fields in the QUIP Operation File. correction_id : str Correction ID. Default value is arbitrary. create_outdir : bool Create the given ``outdir`` directory tree if it does not exist. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid operation type. Examples -------- Create a QUIP Operation File from scratch: >>> import glob >>> import os >>> from wss_tools.quip.qio import QUIPOpFile >>> opfile = QUIPOpFile('THUMBNAIL', '/my/path/quip') >>> opfile.input_files = list(map(os.path.abspath, glob.iglob('*.fits'))) >>> opfile.write_xml('/my/path/opsfile/operation_file_001.xml') """ def __init__(self, op_type, outdir, correction_id='R2017061401', create_outdir=True): valid_op_types = ('MIMF', 'SEGMENT_ID', 'THUMBNAIL') if op_type not in valid_op_types: raise ValueError( f"Valid operation types: {','.join(valid_op_types)}") if create_outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) self.op_type = op_type self.outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir) self.correction_id = correction_id self.creation_time = _get_timestamp() self.quip_info = _get_quip_info() self._files = [] @property def input_files(self): """List of input data filenames, with absolute paths.""" return self._files @input_files.setter def input_files(self, filelist): if isinstance(filelist, str): filelist = [filelist] elif not isinstance(filelist, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError('input_files must be a str or list of str') self._files = [] # Reset for filename in filelist: # Too strict? Should we allow dummy filenames? if os.path.isfile(filename): self._files.append(filename) else: warnings.warn(f'Excluded {filename}; not a valid file', UserWarning)
[docs] def xml_dict(self): """Create a dictionary that can be converted to QUIP Operation File XML. Returns ------- out_dict : dict Dictionary to be converted to XML by :meth:`write_xml`. """ log_file_path = os.path.join( self.outdir, f'{self.correction_id}_quip_activity_log.xml') out_file_path = os.path.join( self.outdir, f'{self.correction_id}_quip_out.xml') d = {'@xmlns:xsi': '', '@xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation': 'quip_operation_file.xsd'} d.update(self.creation_time) d.update(self.quip_info) d['CORRECTION_ID'] = self.correction_id d['OPERATION_TYPE'] = self.op_type d['IMAGES'] = {'IMAGE_PATH': self.input_files} d['OUTPUT'] = {'OUTPUT_DIRECTORY': self.outdir, 'LOG_FILE_PATH': log_file_path, 'OUT_FILE_PATH': out_file_path} return {'QUIP_OPERATION_FILE': d}
[docs] def write_xml(self, filename): """Write the QUIP Operation File XML file. This is really just a convenience method that calls :func:``. Parameters ---------- filename : str Output XML file. Raises ------ OSError Output file exists. """ from import output_xml output_xml(self.xml_dict(), filename)
# -------------- # # OUTPUTS TO WEx # # -------------- #
[docs]def validate_output_out_xml(filename): """Validate schema for QUIP Out File (``quip_out.xsd``).""" return _validate_xml(filename, schema='quip_out.xsd')
[docs]def validate_output_log_xml(filename): """Validate schema for QUIP Log File (``quip_activity_log.xsd``).""" return _validate_xml(filename, schema='quip_activity_log.xsd')
def _get_quip_info(): """Return dictionary with QUIP metadata.""" from .main import __taskname__, _operational # Avoid circular import try: from ..version import version except ImportError: version = 'unknown' return {'@creator': __taskname__, '@version': version, '@operational': _operational}
[docs]def quip_out_dict(images=[]): """Create a dictionary that can be converted to QUIP Out XML. Parameters ---------- images : list List of full path to output images. Returns ------- out_dict : dict Dictionary to be converted to XML by :func:``. """ d = {'OUTPUT_IMAGES': {'IMAGE_PATH': images}} d.update(_get_timestamp()) d.update(_get_quip_info()) return {'QUIP_OUT': d}
[docs]class QUIPLog: """Class to handle QUIP actions to document in log file and image history. Attributes ---------- creation_time : dict Metadata for when this object was created. quip_info : dict Metadata related to QUIP software. log_entries : list List of `QUIPLogEntry`. """ def __init__(self): self.creation_time = _get_timestamp() self.quip_info = _get_quip_info() self.log_entries = []
[docs] def add_entry(self, *args): """Add new `QUIPLogEntry`.""" self.log_entries.append(QUIPLogEntry(*args))
[docs] def xml_dict(self): """Create a dictionary that can be converted to QUIP Output Log XML. Returns ------- out_dict : dict Dictionary to be converted to XML by :func:``. """ d = {'LOG_ENTRY': []} d.update(self.creation_time) d.update(self.quip_info) # Insert log entries for i, en in enumerate(self.log_entries, 1): en_d = {'@id': i} en_d.update(en.xml_dict) # DISABLED: Because description is now already the image name # en_d['ENTRY_DESCRIPTION'] = f'{en.imname}: {en_d['ENTRY_DESCRIPTION']}' # noqa d['LOG_ENTRY'].append(en_d) return {'QUIP_ACTIVITY_LOG': d}
[docs]class QUIPLogEntry: """Class to handle each log entry for `QUIPLog`. Parameters ---------- date_str, time_str : str Timestamp for the entry. imname : str Image name the entry is associated to. descrip : str Short description. data : str Entry contents. Only single line supported for now. etype : {'status', 'warning', 'error', 'data'} Entry type. Attributes ---------- imname Same as input. xml_dict : dict Dictionary for :meth:`QUIPLog.xml_dict`. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid entry type. """ def __init__(self, date_str, time_str, imname, descrip, data, etype): _valid_etypes = ('status', 'warning', 'error', 'data') if etype not in _valid_etypes: raise ValueError(f'Invalid entry type ({etype}), must be one of ' f'{_valid_etypes}') self.imname = imname self.xml_dict = { 'ENTRY_DESCRIPTION': descrip, 'ENTRY_DATA': data, '@type': etype, '@date': date_str, '@time': time_str}