Source code for wss_tools.quip.main

"""QUIP driver.

The main program takes QUIP Operation XML file from WEx.
Then, it starts Ginga with custom plugins.
For more information, see :ref:`running-quip-doc`.

import glob
import multiprocessing
import os
import platform
import shutil
import sys
import warnings
from functools import partial

from import fits
from import get_pkg_data_filename, get_pkg_data_filenames
from astropy.utils.introspection import minversion
from astropy.wcs import FITSFixedWarning

from ginga.rv import main as gmain
from ginga.misc.Bunch import Bunch

from . import qio
from ..utils.recenter import recenter
from import output_xml

# Suppress logging "no handlers" message from Ginga
import logging
logging.raiseExceptions = False
    logging.lastResort = None
except AttributeError:

# Supress warning from astropy.wcs
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FITSFixedWarning)

__all__ = ['main', 'get_ginga_plugins', 'copy_ginga_files', 'set_ginga_config',
__taskname__ = 'QUIP'
_operational = 'false'  # 'true' or 'false'
_tempdirname = 'quipcache'  # Sub-dir to store temporary intermediate files
_iswin = platform.system() == 'Windows'
_home = None
QUIP_DIRECTIVE = None  # Store info from input XML
QUIP_LOG = None  # Store info for output log XML

STGINGA_GT_1_2 = minversion('stginga', '1.2.1')

# Set HOME directory
if 'HOME' in os.environ:
    _home = os.environ['HOME']
elif _iswin:
    _home = os.path.join(os.environ['HOMEDRIVE'], os.environ['HOMEPATH'])
    raise ValueError('Cannot find HOME directory')

[docs]def main(args): """Driver for command line script. First argument must be the QUIP Operation XML file. Other command line options are as accepted by Ginga, *except* for: * ``--mosaic-thumb-size`` can be used to specify desired width in pixels for individual images to be mosaicked in ``THUMBNAIL`` mode. If not given, the default width is 500 pixels. For Segment ID, the value is 256 regardless of this setting. * ``--n-cores`` can be used to specify the number of CPU cores used when rescaling images in ``THUMBNAIL`` mode. If not given, all available cores will be used. * ``--nocopy`` can be used with QUIP to instruct it to *not* copy its Ginga files to user's HOME directory. * ``--log=filename``, if given in command line, will be ignored because QUIP always writes Ginga's log to ``ginga.log`` in the output directory provided by QUIP Operation XML file. Parameters ---------- args : list of str Command line arguments. Raises ------ OSError Input XML does not exist. ValueError Input XML fails to validate built-in schema. Validation is skipped for Windows. """ from stginga.gingawrapper import _locate_plugin global QUIP_DIRECTIVE, QUIP_LOG inputxml = args.pop(0) if not os.path.exists(inputxml): raise OSError(f'{inputxml} does not exist') # Validate input XML (compare return code and display stderr if fails). # Skipped for Windows because no xmllint. if not _iswin: schema_v = qio.validate_input_xml(inputxml) if schema_v[0] != 0: raise ValueError(schema_v[2]) if '--nocopy' in args: nocopy = True args.pop(args.index('--nocopy')) else: nocopy = False # Copy Ginga files to HOME directory if not nocopy: copy_ginga_files() thumb_width = 500 n_cores = None for i, a in enumerate(args): # Ignore any custom log file provided by user if a.startswith('--log='): args.pop(i) # Custom width for THUMBNAIL mode elif a.startswith('--mosaic-thumb-size='): args.pop(i) try: thumb_width = int(a.split('=')[1]) except Exception: pass # Use default # Num cores for THUMBNAIL mode elif a.startswith('--n-cores='): args.pop(i) try: n_cores = int(a.split('=')[1]) except Exception: pass # Use default # Extract info from input XML QUIP_DIRECTIVE = qio.input_xml(inputxml) gingalog = os.path.join( QUIP_DIRECTIVE['OUTPUT']['OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'], 'ginga.log') images = QUIP_DIRECTIVE['IMAGES']['IMAGE_PATH'] op_type = QUIP_DIRECTIVE['OPERATION_TYPE'].lower() # Create hidden temporary directory, in case we need it later. # This is NOT automatically deleted. tempdir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inputxml)), _tempdirname) if not os.path.exists(tempdir): os.mkdir(tempdir) # Initialize info for log XML. # Do this here for time stamp and avoid circular import. QUIP_LOG = qio.QUIPLog() # No point keeping Ginga log from last run if os.path.exists(gingalog): os.remove(gingalog) # Wavefront Maintenance will trigger QUIP Automatic Mode run a utility to # recenter the images if needed and not launch ginga if op_type == 'wavefront_maintenance': output_images = recenter(images, QUIP_DIRECTIVE['OUTPUT']['OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'], doplot=False) quipout = QUIP_DIRECTIVE['OUTPUT']['OUT_FILE_PATH'] output_xml(qio.quip_out_dict(output_images), quipout) return elif op_type == 'thumbnail': cfgmode = 'mosaicmode' ginga_config_py_sfx = op_type sci_ext = ('SCI', 1) # Science array can have different EXTNAME values: # SCI (JWST/HST) or IMAGE (test) # Assume first image is representative of all the rest. with[0]) as pf: if sci_ext not in pf: sci_ext = ('IMAGE', 1) # Auto guess the number of CPU cores needed. if n_cores is None: n_cores = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), len(images)) if STGINGA_GT_1_2: shrink_extra_kwargs = {'sci_ext': sci_ext, 'use_dq': True} else: shrink_extra_kwargs = {'ext': sci_ext} images = shrink_input_images( images, new_width=thumb_width, n_cores=n_cores, outpath=tempdir, **shrink_extra_kwargs) elif op_type == 'segment_id': cfgmode = 'mosaicmode' ginga_config_py_sfx = op_type images = _segid_mosaics(images, outpath=tempdir, sw_sca_size=256) else: # different kinds of analysis cfgmode = 'normalmode' ginga_config_py_sfx = cfgmode # Add custom plugins. # NOTE: There was a bug with setting this in, # so we do this here instead. global_plugins, local_plugins = get_ginga_plugins(ginga_config_py_sfx) gmain.plugins += global_plugins gmain.plugins += local_plugins # Set Ginga config file(s) set_ginga_config(mode=cfgmode, gcfg_suffix=ginga_config_py_sfx) # Auto start core global plugins for gplgname in ('ChangeHistory', ): gplg = _locate_plugin(gmain.plugins, gplgname) gplg.start = True # Start Ginga sys_args = ['ginga', f'--log={gingalog}'] + args + images gmain.reference_viewer(sys_args)
[docs]def get_ginga_plugins(op_type): """Obtain relevant custom plugins from ``stginga`` and ``wss_tools`` for the given QUIP operation type. Parameters ---------- op_type : {'normalmode', 'segment_id', 'thumbnail'} QUIP operation type. Normal mode covers anything that is neither SEGMENT_ID nor THUMBNAIL. Returns ------- global_plugins : list List of custom Ginga global plugins to load. local_plugins : list List of custom Ginga local plugins to load. """ stg_pfx = 'stginga.plugins' wss_pfx = 'wss_tools.quip.plugins' global_plugins = [ Bunch(module='AboutQUIP', tab='AboutQUIP', workspace='left', category='Custom', ptype='global', pfx=wss_pfx)] if op_type == 'segment_id': local_plugins = [] # Add special plugin for segment ID annotations global_plugins += [ Bunch(module='SegIDHelper', tab='SegIDHelper', workspace='left', category='Custom', ptype='global', pfx=wss_pfx)] elif op_type == 'thumbnail': local_plugins = [ Bunch(module='MosaicAuto', workspace='dialogs', category='Custom', ptype='local', pfx=wss_pfx)] else: # normalmode global_plugins += [ Bunch(module='SaveQUIP', tab='SaveQUIP', workspace='right', category='Custom', ptype='global', pfx=wss_pfx)] local_plugins = [ Bunch(module='BackgroundSub', workspace='dialogs', category='Custom', ptype='local', pfx=stg_pfx), Bunch(module='BadPixCorr', workspace='dialogs', category='Custom', ptype='local', pfx=stg_pfx), Bunch(module='DQInspect', workspace='dialogs', category='Custom', ptype='local', pfx=stg_pfx), Bunch(module='SNRCalc', workspace='dialogs', category='Custom', ptype='local', pfx=wss_pfx)] return global_plugins, local_plugins
def _do_copy(src, dst, verbose=False): """Copy file.""" if os.path.exists(dst): os.remove(dst) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) if verbose: print(src, '->', dst)
[docs]def copy_ginga_files(verbose=False): """Copy Ginga configuration files to HOME directory. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool Print info to screen. """ # NOTE: There is no need to copy plugins here anymore. # # Copy configuration files. dstpath = os.path.join(_home, '.ginga') if not os.path.exists(dstpath): os.makedirs(dstpath) for filename in get_pkg_data_filenames('config', pattern='*.*'): _do_copy(filename, os.path.join(dstpath, os.path.basename(filename)), verbose=verbose)
[docs]def set_ginga_config(mode='normalmode', gcfg_suffix='normalmode', verbose=False): """Replace Ginga files in HOME directory with the appropriate version for the given mode. This must be run *after* :func:`copy_ginga_files`, not before. For a list of affected configuration files, see :ref:`quip-doc-ginga-files`. "normalmode" is set such that all images are always in cache. This is useful if you want to do background subtraction etc. in Ginga. However, it is not sustainable if there are too many images opened at the same time. The auto-levels behavior is same as Ginga default. "mosaicmode" is designed such that only certain number of images will be processed, although all images are still always cached. As a result, it is prone to memory problem if run in "normalmode". The auto-levels behavior is disabled by default to allow blinking the images all at the same scale. Parameters ---------- mode : {'normalmode', 'mosaicmode'} Mode of analysis. gcfg_suffix : {'normalmode', 'thumbnail', 'segment_id'} Associated ```` to use. This is slightly different from ``mode`` because "mosaicmode" can have different requirements depending on operation type. verbose : bool Print info to screen. """ path = os.path.join(_home, '.ginga') # Copy sfx = '.' + gcfg_suffix src = os.path.join(path, '' + sfx) _do_copy(src, src.replace(sfx, ''), verbose=verbose) # Copy other Ginga files sfx = '.' + mode for src in glob.iglob(os.path.join(path, '*' + sfx)): _do_copy(src, src.replace(sfx, ''), verbose=verbose)
# Iterable (infile) must be last argument. def _shrink_one(outpath, ext, new_width, debug, kwargs, infile): from stginga.utils import scale_image with as pf: old_width = pf[ext].data.shape[1] # (ny, nx) # Shrink it. if old_width > new_width: path, fname = os.path.split(infile) # Skipping instead of just returning the input image # because want to avoid mosaicking large images. if os.path.abspath(path) == outpath: print('Input and output directories are the same: ' f'{outpath}; Skipping {fname}') outfile = '' else: outfile = os.path.join(outpath, fname) zoom_factor = new_width / old_width scale_image(infile, outfile, zoom_factor, **kwargs) # Input already small enough. else: outfile = infile if debug: print(f'{infile} has width {old_width} <= {new_width}; ' 'Using input file') return outfile # Iterable (infile) must be last argument. def _shrink_one_with_dq(outpath, sci_ext, new_width, dq_parser, debug, kwargs, infile): from stginga.utils import scale_image_with_dq # noqa with as pf: old_width = pf[sci_ext].data.shape[1] # (ny, nx) # Shrink it. if old_width > new_width: path, fname = os.path.split(infile) # Skipping instead of just returning the input image # because want to avoid mosaicking large images. if os.path.abspath(path) == outpath: print('Input and output directories are the same: ' f'{outpath}; Skipping {fname}') outfile = '' else: outfile = os.path.join(outpath, fname) zoom_factor = new_width / old_width scale_image_with_dq(infile, outfile, zoom_factor, dq_parser, **kwargs) # Input already small enough. else: outfile = infile if debug: print(f'{infile} has width {old_width} <= {new_width}; ' 'Using input file') return outfile
[docs]def shrink_input_images(images, outpath='', new_width=500, n_cores=1, use_dq=False, **kwargs): """Shrink input images for mosaic, if necessary. The shrunken images are not deleted on exit; User has to remove them manually. Parameters ---------- images : list List of input image files. outpath : str Output directory. This must be different from input directory because image names remain the same. new_width : int Width of the shrunken image. Height will be scaled accordingly. Because this will be converted into a zoom factor for :func:`~stginga.utils.scale_image`, requested width might not be the exact one that you get but should be close. n_cores : int Number of CPU cores to use. use_dq : bool Use :func:`~stginga.utils.scale_image_with_dq` instead of :func:`~stginga.utils.scale_image`. kwargs : dict Optional keywords for the ``stginga`` function chosen using ``use_dq`` keyword. Returns ------- outlist : list List of images to use. If shrunken, the list will include the new image in the ``outpath`` (same filename). If the input is already small enough, shrinking process is skipped and the list will contain the input image instead. """ outpath = os.path.abspath(outpath) debug = kwargs.get('debug', False) if use_dq: from stginga.utils import DQParser # Use same extension as scale_image_with_dq if 'sci_ext' in kwargs: ext = kwargs['sci_ext'] else: ext = ('SCI', 1) kwargs['sci_ext'] = ext # Use default JWST DQ definition dq_parser = DQParser(get_pkg_data_filename( os.path.join('data', 'dqflags_jwst.txt'), package='stginga')) func = partial(_shrink_one_with_dq, outpath, ext, new_width, dq_parser, debug, kwargs) else: # Use same extension as scale_image if 'ext' in kwargs: ext = kwargs['ext'] else: ext = ('SCI', 1) kwargs['ext'] = ext func = partial(_shrink_one, outpath, ext, new_width, debug, kwargs) if debug: import time t1 = time.time() if n_cores < 2: # No multiprocessing outlist = [s for s in map(func, images) if s] else: with multiprocessing.Pool(n_cores) as p: result =, images) outlist = [s for s in result if s] if debug: t2 = time.time() print(f'Used {n_cores} cores for {len(images)} images. ' f'Ran in {t2 - t1:.3f} s.') return outlist
def _segid_mosaics(images, sw_sca_size=256, **kwargs): """Generate a scaled-down NIRCam mosaic for each exposure. The mosaics are not deleted on exit; User has to remove them manually. Parameters ---------- images : list List of input image files. kwargs See :meth:`~wss_tools.utils.mosaic.NircamMosaic.make_mosaic`. Returns ------- thumbnails : list List of scaled-down mosaics in output directory. """ from ..utils.mosaic import NircamMosaic m = NircamMosaic(sw_sca_size=sw_sca_size) return m.make_mosaic(images, **kwargs) def _main(): """Run from command line.""" if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print('USAGE: quip operation_file.xml [--mosaic-thumb-size=500] ' '[--n-cores=8] [--nocopy] [--help]') elif '--help' in sys.argv: from ginga.rv.main import reference_viewer reference_viewer(['ginga', '--help']) elif '--version' in sys.argv: try: from ..version import version except ImportError: version = 'unknown' print(f'{__taskname__} v{version}') else: main(sys.argv[1:])